Nicholas Tampio: Whatever Happened to the Common Core?

05 Jul

Common Core is no more but it still lives by other names and continues to wreak havoc on OUR K-12 public education system while damaging children and driving want-to-be teachers into other professions. Common Core by any name is still the best weapon the enemies of the United States have to destroy America from within.

Diane Ravitch's blog

Nicholas Tampio, a professor of political science at Fordham University, has noticed a strange silence about Common Core, which was the hottest issue in K-12 just a few years ago. The silence does not mean that the issue has gone away.

Tampio writes:

The Common Core lives, unfortunately

On June 16, Emily Richmond of the Education Writers Association led off a lively social media exchange by tweeting: “Hey, remember the Common Core?”

One special education researcher replied that the Common Core is “implemented now in every classroom in America just under another name.”

Another teacher tweeted: “You mean what NY conveniently rebranded as “Next Generational Learning Standards”? It’s never gone away. 😞

People also responded with memes of actors saying “Shhh!” and “We do not speak his name.”

Here, I would like to explain how the Common Core is implemented in nearly every…

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Posted by on July 5, 2021 in Uncategorized


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